
In the list, you can view Replay VODs converted from hosted livestreams or manually created Upload VODs.

  • Click Saucelive Admin > Analysis > VOD.
  • You can extract data as an Excel file through the Download Data button.
  • You can access the Detailed Data page by clicking the title.
  • You can see the list of approved VODs, and you can set the status to publicor private.
  • You can download multiple VODs at once using the Download VOD button.

Download data

Clicking Analysis > VOD> Download Data opens a popup screen with the Download Data list.

Summary Information Tab

Content: When you open the Download Data detailed screen from the VOD, you can find the VOD content category first. You can select another content category.

Period: Select the period to view. You can view data for the period of up to 1 month.

VOD Type: A VOD converted after the livestream is displayed as Replay, and a VOD directly registered is displayed as Upload.

Download Data: Download the data items of the checked content as an Excel file.

Download Data items include the following.

  • Total Viewers
  • Member Viewers
  • Non-member Viewers
  • View Count
  • Product Clicks
  • Order Count
  • Chat Count
  • Like Counts
  • Payment Amount
  • Average Viewing Time
  • Average Product Click Duration
  • Average Product Clicks

Details tab

When you click the Details tab, you can select items you want among Popular Products and Purchase Information or all items and download them as an Excel file in the Download Items.

Details: Select the Details tab to view the content list according to the search condition.

Download Data: Select the desired content and click Download Data.

Download Items: You can select items you want to download. Each item is separated by tabs in the downloaded Excel file.

  • Popular Products: You can download information about the popular products of the content. It includes product clicks and click rate.
  • Purchase Information: You can download purchase information of the content. It includes the order count and product quantity.

Start Download: Data items of the selected content are downloaded as an Excel file.

Detailed Data Screen

At the bottom of Replay, you can see data collected during the livestream and data collected after it is converted into VOD.

Content Information

  • Partner Name
  • Title: Shows the title entered when creating the livestream.
  • Scheduled Live Time: The time when the livestream was hosted.
  • Current Time: Shows the current time.
  • You can check the normal/abnormal status of streaming.
  • Private: Click when you want to end the public status.

Exhibition Information

  • Final Request/Approval Date: Approved date.
  • Total Playback Time: Total playback time of Replay VOD.
  • File Information: Resolution and size information.

Livestream Screen

Shows the screen on which the livestream was hosted.


You can view unique viewers/view count/accumulated view count/product clicks/banner clicks/like counts.


Provides banners registered in the video by time and its click counts.

Time Tag

Shows time tags registered in the video.

Stream Statistics Information

Provides performance information of VODs.

  • Product Clicks
  • Like Counts
  • Comment Count
  • Reports Submitted Count: Click Report History to view report details.

Viewing Rankings Information

Displays the accumulated viewers ranking within the same category and viewers ranking of all livestreams for the set period.


You can view the ranking by view count/product clicks/chat counts for the set period.

Popular Products

You can view the ranking of the product with the highest clicks among the products linked to the VOD.


You can view information related to all viewers, view counts, member viewers, and non-member viewers separately for livestreams and VODs. For VOD, the number is counted after the livestream ended.

  • Age Group Statistics: You can view UV by age group and visitors by PV. However, members without information are counted as others.
  • Gender Statistics Ratio: You can view the gender ratio by all age groups or specific age groups.
  • Member/Non-member and OS Statistics: You can view the number of members/non-members by all age groups or specific age groups and gender ratio, and the ratio of OS used for access.

Viewing Time/Traffic

You can view the viewing time and traffic information by date.


Provides the average information of VODs.

  • Average Viewing Time: Provides the average viewing time of viewers.
  • Average Click Duration: Provides the average time taken for viewers to click the product for the first time since they started viewing the livestream.
  • Average Product Clicks: Provides the average clicks of the linked product.

Inbound Tags and Keywords
Displays hashtags searched and clicked by viewers in the area.

Payment Statistics

Provides the product order quantity and total amount by date if the purchase has been made through the VOD.

Payment Statistics by Product

Provides the payment amount/quantity/order quantity by date if the purchase has been made through the VOD.


The same statistics analysis data as Replay VODS is provided for directly registered Upload VODs as well.

However, since there is no data related to livestreams, such data is excluded.