
Understanding Account Issuance and Permissions

Types of Accounts

Saucelive issues and uses accounts with hierarchical structure.

There are three types of accounts with different permissions: Service Administrator, Service Manager, and Service Operator.

Service Operators under a Service Manager are operated in groups, and they do not have permission to approve livestreams for different groups.

Service Administrator

  • As the client's highest-level account, has authority to create subaccounts and can approve all livestreams.
  • Can view all created livestreams.
  • Can view statistical data related to all livestreams.

Service Manager

  • Can approve livestreams created by the Service Operator under their account and start livestreams they created.
  • Can view livestreams they or Service Operator under their account created and related statistics data in the livestream list.

Service Operator

  • Can create livestreams and start livestreams after obtaining approval from their parent account.
  • Can view livestreams they created and related statistical data in the livestream list.

Getting Account Issued

To use the admin site Saucelive Admin, account issuance is mandatory. You can get a Service Administrator account issued through the Saucelive operation manager.

  • Provides overall livestream-related functions on top of product management, livestream creation and management, monitoring, VOD management, chat management, and account management.
  • After getting the Service Administrator account issued, you can create subaccounts Service Manager and Service Operator yourself in Saucelive Admin. Follow the steps below.

Issuing a Subaccount

STEP 1.Access the Saucelive Admin.

STEP 2. Log in with the Service Administrator account issued in advance by the manager.

STEP 3. Click Settings > Account Information > Add Account button.

STEP 4. Fill in each item.

STEP 5. The Nickname (Store Name, Image number 1 below) and Representative Image (Image number 2 below) are shown on the player screen and Collection Page.


Edit registered information

Click Saucelive Admin > Settings > Store Information > Edit or Setting > Manager Information > Edit button. You need Service Administrator permission to edit.

You can edit all information except for Partner Name and ID.

Understanding Account Permission

Permission to Create and Manage Livestream

  • You can create a livestream with the permission of any account.
  • Once approved by the higher-level administrator (Service Manager or Service Administrator), you can stream live.
  • Only the Service Administrator can approve the livestream they created.Service Manager and Service Operator must obtain the approval from the higher-level manager.
    πŸ’¬ For example, a livestream created by a Service Manager can only be approved by the Service Administrator.
  • When a Service Operator creates a livestream, Awaiting approval is set as default because they cannot approve it.
  • Only the Service Administrator can edit the livestream status information.
Create LivestreamAwaiting ApprovalApproveRejectDelete
Service AdministratorOOOOO
Service ManagerOOO
(Only for livestreams created by subaccounts)
(Only for livestreams created by subaccounts)
Service OperatorOO (Default)XXO

Permission to Manage VOD

  • You can upload a video and register VOD with the permission of any account.

  • Once approved by the higher-level administrator (Service Manager or Service Administrator), VOD goes public.

  • Only the Service Administrator can approve the VOD they uploaded and registered. Other accounts must obtain approval for the VOD they created from the higher-level manager.

  • When a Service Operator registers VOD, Awaiting approval is set as default because they cannot approve it.

  • You can delete VOD with the permission of any account.

ApprovedCreate VODAwaiting ApprovalApproveRejectDelte
Service AdministratorOOOOO
Service ManagerOOO (Only for VODs created by subaccounts)O (Only for VODs created by subaccounts)O
Service OperatorOO (Default)XXO