
Reward Registration and Link


To register for rewards, Reward API Integrationmust be completed in advance.

Sauceclip Studio allows customers to set whether and how they want to reward viewers for watching clips, and to reward viewers to increase watch time and engagement with their content.


Which clips can be linked to rewards?

Only clips with a Clip Status of Private and a Clip Type of Reward can be linked to rewards.

After setting up rewards, you must change the clip status to public to expose it to viewers.


After a rewarded clip is registered, all information except the clip's status (public or private) cannot be edited.

Search for reward-eligible clips

To set rewards for watching a clip, go to Manage rewards > Link rewards > List and select the desired clip and set the reward information.

Alternatively, you can search for clips that can be associated with rewards in the search area.

  • Update Date : Search based on the date the clip was created or modified.
  • Channel Name : Search for clips belonging to channel name.
  • Keywords : Searches for clips by the value of clip description or clip tag.

Reward Link

STEP 1. Manage Rewards > Link Rewards > Search for and select the clip you want to link rewards to by checking(βœ”οΈ) the appropriate clip in the list or by using a search term.


You can select multiple clips to set rewards at the same time (up to 20).

In this case, the selected clips will all have the same reward settings.

STEP 2. In the Reward Settings window, enter each item information.

  • Number of rewards: Displays the number of selected clips.

  • Show clip when reward is exhausted: toggle ON/OFF to select whether to show the clip after all rewards are exhausted.

    • ON: Keeps the clip status as Public even after all rewards are exhausted.
    • OFF: Automatically change the clip status to Private and unexposed after all rewards are exhausted.
  • Set Reward Amount: Enter the total amount you want to give the viewer as a reward. You can also select Unlimited total amount.

  • Reward award criteria: Set the achievement time and the reward awarded per achievement.

    • Achievement time: Set the amount of time (watch time) that the viewer must achieve to participate in the reward event. You can set a minimum of 3 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds.


      Enter a reward payout threshold equal to or less than the duration of the clip.

      If you set a reward attainment time that is longer than the duration of the video, the reward will not be attainable.

    • Payout Reward: Set the reward to be paid to the viewer for each achievement.
    • Reward payout unit: Enter the impression unit of the set reward as text. You can enter up to 3 characters.


      If possible, we recommend setting the Reward Total to be split between the Reward Set Value and the Payout Reward per achievement.

      For example,

      1. if your reward total is 1000 points and your payout reward is 5 points, you can reward a total of 200 people.
      2. If the reward total is 1000 points and the payout reward is 3 points, you can reward a total of 333 people and the reward event will end with 1 point left unclaimed.

Step 3. Click Save.

Reward check

You can see the clips that have reward settings on the Manage rewards > Link rewards screen.

  • Reward Total (Remaining Rewards): This item shows the remaining rewards from the rewards you set.
  • Reward payout criteria: You can check the payout criteria set when registering rewards.
  • When reward is used up: You can check whether the clip is public or private after the reward is used up.
  • Reward Setting Date: Displays the date the reward was registered or modified.
  • Clip update date: Displays the date when the clip was registered or modified.