Collect page
1. Introduction
It is a service that shows the video and schedule of the live on the web of the company mall, and is provided in the form of a javascript library.
2. How to apply
STEP 1. Apply Java Script and Style to load from the page as follows.
<script src="https://{env}"></script>
Two environments are provided.
- production env :
- stage env :
STEP 2. Add the tag to the location you want to apply as id. The id does not have to be the same as in the example.
<div id="sauce_collect"></div>
STEP 3. Initialize the SauceLive collection library to render the collection page in the tag you added above.
var sauce = SauceWebLib({
// Enter the selector of the div tag added in B.
id: 'sauce_collect',
//Please refer to the Token Generation item in the Server Interworking Guide section.
accessToken: '',
//Please enter the partnerId that you received through the AM in charge.
partnerId: 'service1234',
//You can set whether the latest live area is exposed.
/* type boolean (defaultValue:true)*/
broadcast: true,
//You can set whether the Live Preview area is exposed.
/* type boolean (defaultValue:true)*/
schedule: true,
//You can set the live preview format to "Image Type", "Feed Type", and "List Type" to suit your partner's live broadcasting style
/* type image | feed | list (defaultValue image) */
scheduleType: "feed",
//You can set whether or not the curation category area is exposed.
/* type boolean (defaultValue:true)*/
curation: true,
//You can set whether or not the curation area is exposed.
/* type boolean (defaultValue:true)*/
curationDetail: true,
//Whether video thumbnails are automatically played
/* type boolen (defaultValue:false)*/
// Search bar exposure
/* type boolen (defaultValue:true)*/
// Bridge enabled
/* type boolean (defaultVlaue:false) */
// Set up a new window for your broadcast card list
// The default is to move the current window, and you can set new window movement according to webview, pc, and mobile values.
/* type string (defaultVlaue:'') */
STEP 4. Check the page for application.
When linking ⚠ ️ for the first time, the schedule or broadcast is not registered, so a blank screen is displayed.Please register your live broadcast or schedule and test it.
3. How to use the interface bridge
Please note only when using.
Library Settings
var sauce = SauceWebLib({
If you use Iframe
Scripts to receive events
window.addEventListener( "message", function(e) { // use function console.log(; }, }, false );
At the time of entering the collection
// { key: 'flexCollectEnter', params: //no parameter }
When you click on the broadcast
// { key: 'flexCollectMoveBroadcast', params: { broadcastUrl: string } }
When clicking on a product
// { key: 'flexCollectMoveProduct', params: { productId: string, productUrl: string, broadcastUrl: stinrg } }
Click on the top banner
// { key: 'flexCollectMoveTopBanner', params: { bannerLinkUrl: string, } }
4. Example
How to check SAMPLE PAGE
You can see the draft when applying the sample page if you put the pseudonym in the form of a query string.${partnerId}&scheduleType=list& ... & ...
(PartnerId or later is not required.)
Full Example Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ko">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
<title>SauceWebLib demo</title>
html, body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<div id="sauce_collect"></div>
<script src="https://{env.}"></script>
id: 'sauce_collect',
accessToken: 'session-key' //<= stage면 stage accessToken, prod이면 prod accessToken,
partnerId: 'service1234',
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🚦Unauthorized disclosure, distribution, copying, or use of all or part of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited.
Updated about 1 year ago