API Guide

Search Coupon

  • Coupons are displayed on the Saucelive player screen.
  • Request the partner company's coupon list API when entering the Saucelive player to search for the partner company's coupons.
  • When transmitting AccessToken information, you must also convey whether or not the coupon owned by the corresponding _accessToken has been issued.


The coupon search API is provided by a partner, and Mobidoo follows the corresponding guide.

HTTP Request

GET-Received coupon API EndPoint from partner company.
POST-Coupon API EndPoint provided with partner product code.

Query Parameters

accessTokenstringfalseNoneSearch the list of coupons that the user can receive. Search entire coupon list if not delivered.
broadcastIdstringfalseNoneSearch the list of coupons that can be issued on broadcast.


The partner company’s unique product code is used as a search coupon API.

Request Body Parameters

accessTokenstringfalseNoneSearch the list of coupons that the user can receive. Search entire coupon list if not delivered.
externalProductIdsarrayfalseNoneThe partner's unique product code entered when registering the product.


accessToken is JWT Token information generated when linking members. It is used to check whether the user has been issued a coupon and to check the list of coupons that can be issued.

Response Body

maxIssueCountnumbertrueNoneMaximum number of coupons issued. (If 0, issuance complete)
couponIdstringtrueNoneUnique ID of coupon
couponNamestringtrueNoneName of coupon
partnerIdstringtrueNoneIssued partner ID
limitMaxPricenumbertrueNoneMaximum discountable amount
dcTypestringtrueNoneCoupon discount type (discount rate=Rate, discount amount=Fixed)
dcPricenumbertrueNoneDiscount amount
dcRatenumbertrueNoneDiscount rate (if 10%, enter 10)
possiblePricenumbertrueNoneMinimum order amount to use coupon
startDtstringtrueNoneCoupon use start date
endDtstringtrueNoneCoupon use end date
isShowbooleantrueNoneExposed status

Response Code - 200 : Success

Response Code - 400 : Validation Error

Response Code - 500 : Internal Server Error


Coupon format data follows the body presented in the table above as much as possible, and if linkage is necessary, further development must be carried out under consultation.