API Guide

Create JWT Token

Saucelive's token uses a JWT token and is signed and delivered using the "RSA Private Key" provided when signing up as a partner.

When the token expires, you will not be able to chat in Saucelive Player and will be redirected to the partner company login link page. At this time, creation and delivery of a new JWT token is required.

The created token is encoded in base64 and then delivered.

JWT Payload

partnerIdstringtrueNoneIssued partner company ID
memberIdstringtrueNoneUnique ID of partner company member
nickNamestringtrueNoneNickname displayed during chat (Caution: Nickname is exposed as is, so masking is required when using real name, etc.)
agestringfalseetcAge group for statistical data collection (teens: 10, 20s: 20s, 30s: 30s, 40s: 40, 50s: 50s, 60s: 60, etc.)
genderstringfalseeGender for statistical data collection (male: m, female: w, other: e)
memberTypestringfalse0Viewer type (member: 1, non-member: 0)



  • The expiration time of the JWT token follows the β€œexp” value of the (registered) Claim determined by the generating partner company.
  • Nicknames are exposed as is, so when using real names, etc., they must be masked.


# JWT Header
    "typ": "JWT",
    "alg": "RS256"
# JWT Payload
    "partnerId": "mobidoo", // Partner ID,
    "memberId": "userId", // Partner's member unique  ID
    "nickName": "mobidoo", // Nick name to use when chatting
    "age": "20", // Age range for statistical data collection
    "gender": "e", // Gender for statistical data collection
    "memberType": "0", // Viewer type
# JWT Signature
  base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +
  (private Key)


What is the private key signed with?

The private key is signed with the contents of the id_rsa_priv.pem file. This is token generation for member linking.